Cyber Threat Intelligence

Discover malicious IPs and domains with Akamai Guardicore Segmentation

IP Address: Malicious

IP Address: Malicious

This IP address attempted an attack on a machine in our threat sensors network

Threat Information


Attacker, Scanner

Services Targeted



Download Operation HTTP Log Tampering Download File SSH Brute Force SSH Successful SSH Login Download and Execute 1 Shell Commands Outgoing Connection Download and Allow Execution

Associated Attack Servers

Basic Information

IP Address




Auto-trol Technology Corporation


United States


Created Date


Updated Date




First seen in Akamai Guardicore Segmentation


Last seen in Akamai Guardicore Segmentation


What is Akamai Guardicore Segmentation
Akamai Guardicore Segmentation is a data center and cloud security solution that protects the organization's core assets, using flexible, quickly deployed and easy to understand micro-segmentation controls. Akamai Guardicore Segmentation generates in-context security incidents, with details on attacker tools and techniques, that help IR teams prioritize incident investigation and reduce dwell time. Learn More

Attack Flow

A user logged in using SSH with the following credentials: root / **** - Authentication policy: White List (Part of a Brute Force Attempt)

SSH Brute Force Successful SSH Login

A possibly malicious Download Operation was detected 2 times

Download Operation

History File Tampering detected from /usr/sbin/sshd

Log Tampering

Process /usr/bin/wget generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

Process /usr/local/bin/dash generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/m-i.p-s.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

Process /usr/local/bin/dash generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/m-p.s-l.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

Process /usr/bin/wget generated outgoing network traffic to: 4 times

Outgoing Connection

/tmp/s-h.4-.SNOOPY was downloaded

Download File

The file /tmp/s-h.4-.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Process /usr/local/bin/dash generated outgoing network traffic to: 2 times

Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/x-8.6-.SNOOPY was downloaded and executed 3 times

Download and Execute

Process /tmp/x-8.6-.SNOOPY generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

Process /usr/bin/wget generated outgoing network traffic to: 2 times

Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/a-r.m-6.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/x-3.2-.SNOOPY was downloaded and executed 2 times

Download and Execute

The file /tmp/a-r.m-7.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Process /usr/local/bin/dash generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/p-p.c-.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Process /usr/bin/wget generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/i-5.8-6.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

Process /usr/bin/wget generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/p-p.c-.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/a-r.m-4.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

/tmp/a-r.m-5.SNOOPY was downloaded

Download File

The file /tmp/a-r.m-5.SNOOPY was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Connection was closed due to timeout

Associated Files


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SHA256: 0540bf9561768b2a46c0b57134d088060e4fd6a2ffa33799ab58b19b9a6ee17b

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SHA256: 0645e7f78c29233afc3c175ffc1c8d92b381533c468a75d1e11598248821f3fb

1504 bytes


SHA256: 30fdc525c60dfa5eccf96a5a39da711512c0ff8631a0554a109f5ecc2a887e1d

85864 bytes


SHA256: 605b5d10a7eba3a81571b81f82e8e709978e5e1fa1b01ce14afb8b3ab1542251

91132 bytes


SHA256: 7239f59ef46b6aa968b266d856a56341581355f48517f4f26b3be2b12586f85a

84841 bytes


SHA256: a9a2354bea3b64170cca0ae2ff4500c1f344bfcd2617d914a3be1bb5d0f4163e

92493 bytes


SHA256: c34ed4437547d633cb8b4d26dd459ea7bc2a6f96857a22a8f015b81552a541f0

155476 bytes


SHA256: c7020125ec6038d88b0d1454cfa9e09ddb8d6a91876becf03a27287aff86d85e

113320 bytes


SHA256: ef2453137001132be313014ee7282e29a49ef4241346c29e294865d1e28578ed

155428 bytes


SHA256: f2d804b9253a992121d095964ae963686bb18345f9d239a4ac4c7636835778d9

2085 bytes