Cyber Threat Intelligence

Discover malicious IPs and domains with Akamai Guardicore Segmentation

IP Address:

IP Address:

This IP address attempted an attack on a machine in our threat sensors network

Threat Information


Attacker, Scanner

Services Targeted



Service Deletion Access Suspicious Domain Download and Execute DNS Query Download File SMB Null Session Login Successful SMB Login CMD Service Start SMB Share Connect Execute from Share Scheduled Task Creation Service Creation Access Share SMB Service Stop File Operation By CMD

Associated Attack Servers

Basic Information

IP Address








Created Date


Updated Date




First seen in Akamai Guardicore Segmentation


Last seen in Akamai Guardicore Segmentation


What is Akamai Guardicore Segmentation
Akamai Guardicore Segmentation is a data center and cloud security solution that protects the organization's core assets, using flexible, quickly deployed and easy to understand micro-segmentation controls. Akamai Guardicore Segmentation generates in-context security incidents, with details on attacker tools and techniques, that help IR teams prioritize incident investigation and reduce dwell time. Learn More

Attack Flow

A user logged in using SMB with the following username: admin - Authentication policy: Reached Max Attempts

Successful SMB Login

A user logged in using SMB with the following username: admin - Authentication policy: Previously Approved User 5 times

Successful SMB Login

C:\xddDlJRz.exe was downloaded

Download File

The file C:\WINDOWS\WMTiYNeu.exe was downloaded and executed

Download and Execute

c:\windows\system32\services.exe installed and started %systemroot%\wmtiyneu.exe as a service named sVrE under service group None

Service Start Service Creation

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\svchost.exe was downloaded

Download File

xdddljrz.exe was executed from the remote share \\server-backup\c$

Execute from Share

c:\windows\system32\services.exe installed and started \\server-backup\c$\xdddljrz.exe as a service named sFkU under service group None

Service Start Service Creation

Service sFkU was stopped

Service Stop

The command line C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c mshta was scheduled to run by modifying C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\Autocheck.job

A user logged in using SMB from NULL with the following username: admin - Authentication policy: Previously Approved User 3 times

Successful SMB Login

Process c:\windows\system32\mshta.exe attempted to access suspicious domains:

DNS Query Access Suspicious Domain

The command line c:\windows\FMBjYWJV.exe was scheduled to run by modifying C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\Autostart.job

The command line c:\windows\YnDUMQp.exe was scheduled to run by modifying C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\escan.job

C:\nTmkqhbj.exe was downloaded

Download File

Connection was closed due to timeout

Associated Files


SHA256: 013ec11716122bf749c7fdcd0dcf904e2dfe72b3c50f5cb4e66105493d15620b

195000 bytes


SHA256: 02462c051aa4e27cf6359173c040a6e51f20172d4fcdfa2c11b6fb6a50107ab0

56320 bytes