Cyber Threat Intelligence

Discover malicious IPs and domains with Akamai Guardicore Segmentation

IP Address: Malicious

IP Address: Malicious

This IP address attempted an attack on a machine in our threat sensors network

Threat Information


Attacker, Scanner

Services Targeted



System File Modification Outgoing Connection Bulk Files Tampering 2 Shell Commands Download Operation Successful SSH Login Executable File Modification Scheduled Task Creation SSH Download and Execute Download and Allow Execution Package Install DNS Query Access Suspicious Domain

Associated Attack Servers

Basic Information

IP Address




Beeline Home


Russian Federation


Created Date


Updated Date




First seen in Akamai Guardicore Segmentation


Last seen in Akamai Guardicore Segmentation


What is Akamai Guardicore Segmentation
Akamai Guardicore Segmentation is a data center and cloud security solution that protects the organization's core assets, using flexible, quickly deployed and easy to understand micro-segmentation controls. Akamai Guardicore Segmentation generates in-context security incidents, with details on attacker tools and techniques, that help IR teams prioritize incident investigation and reduce dwell time. Learn More

Attack Flow

A user logged in using SSH with the following credentials: root / **** - Authentication policy: White List

Successful SSH Login

A possibly malicious Download Operation was detected

Download Operation Package Install

A possibly malicious Package Install was detected

Download Operation Package Install

A possibly malicious Download Operation was detected

Download Operation Package Install

A possibly malicious Package Install was detected

Download Operation Package Install

Process /usr/lib/apt/methods/http attempted to access domains: and

DNS Query

Process /usr/bin/apt attempted to access domains: and 2 times

DNS Query

Process /usr/lib/apt/methods/http generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

Process /usr/bin/apt generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

Process /bin/bash attempted to access suspicious domains: and

DNS Query Access Suspicious Domain Outgoing Connection

Process /bin/bash generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

Process /usr/bin/apt generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

System file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ was modified 16 times

System File Modification

System file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ was modified 16 times

System File Modification

The file /usr/share/doc/libfuse2 was downloaded and granted execution privileges

System file /etc/fuse.conf.dpkg-new was modified 16 times

System File Modification

The file /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/fuse was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /usr/share/doc/fuse was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /bin/fusermount was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

Executable file /bin/ulockmgr_server was modified 16 times

Executable File Modification

The file /bin/ulockmgr_server was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Executable file /sbin/mount.fuse was modified 16 times

Executable File Modification

The file /sbin/mount.fuse was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Process /usr/bin/wget generated outgoing network traffic to:

Outgoing Connection

Process /usr/bin/wget attempted to access suspicious domains: and

DNS Query Access Suspicious Domain Outgoing Connection

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/bcrypt/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /usr/sbin/fuse was downloaded and executed

Download and Execute

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/lib-dynload/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Download and Allow Execution

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

The file /tmp/_MEIN2tbk3/nacl/ was downloaded and granted execution privileges

Connection was closed due to timeout

Process /usr/bin/apt performed bulk changes in {/} on 40 files

Bulk Files Tampering

Associated Files


SHA256: 4460ea0c8f0764921bceb01e9cc5def191c6df8b6f5f168e8c28ed322d4512b8

139632 bytes


SHA256: 93738314c07ea370434ac30dad6569c59a9307d8bbde0e6df9be9e2a7438a251

11960832 bytes


SHA256: 93eb178c6e1dbb34262239cb3e2535262c7b0de3087d3f85ba7f1d9f33838659

154032 bytes